Noble and loyal, the Dogo Argentino lives among tempestuous settings with the cries of the wild echoing around. Created for exactly that thrill of hunting, the magnificent breed combines the perfect balance of power, agility, and unwavering loyalty, remaining the cherished choice of those hunters in pursuit of their true partner in their pursuit of the game.
Welcome to the world of the Dogo Argentino, where power meets passion and an ancient art of hunting is revived, with help from these legendary canines.
Being quite strong, perfectly developed, and especially intelligent, the Dogo Argentinos are undoubtedly fearless dogs that can perform well in tracking and pursuing the game through diversified terrains. Be it hunting a wild boar, puma, or other big game, these dogs show very good hunting instincts and determination not to give up in their goal.
The Dogo Argentino is a versatile hunting companion. He holds the game with expert steadiness until the hunter is in reach. With people, he is really gentle and affectionate; this makes him a truly great hunting partner and lovable family companion.
For any passionate hunter, the experience of hunting with a Dogo Argentino will be the most exhilarating, as their sharp focus, great stamina, and strong jaws make them prove their greatness on the hunting grounds. This actually guaranteed almost absolute success and rewarding hunts every time, with the Dogo Argentino making a real breakthrough among the true champions of hunting breeds.